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What is Successful Online Business

This question has been asked many times before- what is a successful online business? I guess it depends on each individual. Success for one person can be a failure for another.

Success quote image

Majority of people associate success with money, or how wealthy is the person is.

Some people say money cannot bring you happiness, maybe it's true for some, but I know you can do many things if you have money, and they can make you and others happy.

Is it the same for you?

Your Dreams

When you wake up, and all you think about is - how to get you closer to your "dream" and cannot wait to start action, that type of person will get there eventually if they are consistent and not just pumped up after some motivational speech. It would be best if you had a clear goal and plan to achieve it and make it successful. Self-discipline is essential in any business and especially an online one.

Suppose you know precisely what you want in your life. In that case, you will be magnificent. Still, if you don't have a clear goal and cannot visualise it, it will be challenging to achieve success, as you will always jump from one opportunity to another or simply standstill in the same job position for the rest of your life.

Most people are happy with that until it's too late to enjoy life.

In my opinion, you need to work for your dream life, and I think the quickest way of doing it is to build passive income, and you can do it while having a full-time job, where is no problem with that.

Physical vs Online

Generally speaking, we will discuss online businesses with no physical stores/factories or buildings with employees. I will talk about online companies where anyone can be successful with just a laptop/PC, phone and access to the internet. Millions of people out there achieved unbelievable success with an online businesses.

To give you an idea with comparison.

Walmart is a physical business with millions of customers going through their stores.

eBay - is an online business where millions of people shop online, and eBay just organising and manages everything in the background.

Or you can sit at home or travel the world and work on your business online.

But is it easy to have an online business, and can anyone do it?

Money and Mindset

Many studies and research have been done on very successful people to see what they are doing daily to get them there—having clear goals and plans. Setting priorities and having discipline are just a few of their habits. It is essential to work on these personal skills to succeed in any business, especially online.

You can start your online business without any significant obstacles in this era. If you want to scale your business to the next level, if you're going to keep up with competition and new technology, you need to have a set of skills that will keep you on track to achieving a very successful business.

One book that helped me learn and develop some excellent skills is - Atomic habits.

Atomic Habits book cover image

People think you need to think big when you want to change your life. But world-renowned habits expert James Clear has discovered another way. He knows that real change comes from the compound effect of hundreds of small decisions: doing two push-ups a day, waking up five minutes early, or holding a single short phone call.

Atomic Habits is a step-by-step manual for changing routines.

Highly recommend reading if you haven't already.

There are many books on self-development which are very useful to read, remember you need to invest in yourself if you want to be successful, you can ask any person who achieved greatness and they will tell you the same.

Affiliated marketing

One way of making a substantial amount of money and having a very successful business is learning about affiliated marketing. It's probably the most rewarding and straightforward way to become financially independent.

A simple explanation of what is affiliated marketing? You advertise other people or businesses products or services and get paid a percentage of the total price of purchase via your recommendation ( a link on the webpage, for example).

It's that simple—millions of people doing it worldwide.

For example - product x costs $1000 and you agreed to with the company to advertise this product and company will pay you 20%. You get $200 each time someone is bought this product via your recommendation. You can do it in many ways online now, with social media being everywhere now - earnings are unlimited.

Amazon logo

Amazon has millions of products; you can sign up to become associates with amazon and advertise and get % for all products via your link.

The Wealthy Affiliate platform is a great place to learn and master affiliate marketing.

You can check out how I started here.


If anyone asks me what is successful online business?

You do some work and have multiple passive income streams coming to you. I know for a fact, once people start to work online, there are many opportunities open for them, and they manage to build enough different sources of income, and they don't need to worry about it. Oportunities are endless in the online world and if you are willing to learn, have the determination to succeed, have a clear goal - you are unstoppable.

The only person who stands between yourself and your dream life is YOU.

If you struggle and are unsure where to start, reach out to me, and I will try to help you, we are all humans, and everyone deserves a great life.

We touched at the beginning of this money article - some people say it is not a source of happiness. If I had a choice to have lots of money or little, I would take the first option without a doubt.

I like helping people, it makes me happy when I help someone, and I can help plenty of people with plenty of money.

Isn't it great?

Let me know in the comments below what you would do if you have plenty of money, and do you have specific numbers in your mind?

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